Medicare Cost Report Preparation Services

Home Health Agency Medicare Cost Report (Form 1728)

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires Home Health Agency Medicare Cost Reports (Form 1728) from all certified agencies five months after the fiscal year.

The purpose of Form 1728 is to report the provider’s cost per visit in the geographical area (CBSA).

Medicare uses data from Form 1728 to develop future payments to the relevant CBSA, so it is important to submit accurate data. To ensure absolute accuracy when preparing and filing Form 1728, contact a Certified Medicare Cost Report Preparer like DP Associates.

Hospice Medicare Cost Report (Form 1984)

The CSM also requires all Hospice Medicare Cost Reports (Form 1984) five months after the fiscal year.

The purpose of Form 1984 is to report the cost of delivering services per day by geographical area (CBSA).

Medicare uses this data from Form 1984 to develop future payments to the relevant CBSA, so it is important to submit accurate data. To ensure absolute accuracy when preparing and filing Form 1728, contact a certified Healthcare Cost Report Filing Firm like DP Associates.

Skilled Nursing Medicare Cost Report (Form 2540)

Finally, the CSM requires all Skilled Nursing Medicare Cost Reports (Form 2540) five months after the end of the fiscal year.

The purpose of Form 2540 is to report the cost per diem in the geographical area (CBSA).

Medicare uses this data to develop future payments to the relevant CBSA, so it is important to submit accurate data. To ensure absolute accuracy when preparing and filing Form 1728, use certified Medicare Cost Report Filing Services like DP Associates.
